Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jelly Belly BeanBoozled Review

I know I mostly talk movies, but I decided to review a candy that doubles as a sort of game. Remember Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from the Harry Potter series? Well, Jelly Belly makes those, except you can tell by looking when one of them is a bad flavor. With BeanBoozled, each flavor has a twin that could be one of the bad flavors. I still can't believe I was crazy enough to do this. I also did not allow myself to spit out any of the candy. Some of the bad flavors were blessedly missing from my box, so I will not be able to review baby wipes, moldy cheese, dog food, or pencil shavings.

Vomit: This one tastes like peach gummy candy and stomach acid. Nasty!

Booger: I can't really describe this one, but it didn't taste like Juicy Pear. It actually didn't taste gross, though. I still wouldn't eat it.

Centipede: This one basically just tasted like dirt. I swallowed it with some water very quickly, so thats about all I can say.

Rotten Egg: This one mostly tasted the way something rancid smells.  Rotten egg was the worst of the bunch. I'd go through them to try and find the popcorn ones, but its just not worth the grossness. (I did go back and do this, and was lucky enough to find one popcorn flavored one. Yes, I am that crazy. I also came across another rotten egg and spit it out. I could smell the stench on the bean after I did this!)

Toothpaste: This one was actually really good. It tasted like a breath mint.

Skunk Spray: Tastes like it smells, but with a hint of espresso? This was the second worst of the bunch. It left me running for more water.

So thats my little review. I'm kind of sorry that I didn't get to try the pencil shavings one, it might have been interesting. I've also heard that the black pepper flavored one is good, but it is not featured in this edition.

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