Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's Good To Be Bad: 1st Installment

I'm back again! In this new series, I'll be taking a look at some of my favorite villains in film history. Please don't whine if your fave isn't featured. These are my opinions only.

Margaret White Carrie 1976

Margaret White is just plain awful. When Carrie comes home after getting her first period in the school gym showers, thinking she was bleeding to death, what does Margaret do? Smacks her across the face with a Bible, and drags Carrie by the hair into a "Prayer Closet" telling her to pray for forgiveness for her wickedness (because every woman knows that the menstrual cycle is triggered by sin. NOT!) . This woman is a grade A zealot suffering from religious mania (I will not call her a Christian, her views are cult-ish and insane).When Carrie reveals her telekinetic powers to Mommie Dearest, Margaret believes Carrie is a witch and thinks that it is her Christian duty to kill her. It really gets intense when Carrie comes home after the prom massacre and just wants her mom to comfort her. Its characters like this that make us realize how lucky we are to have our own parents (unless they are just as bad, and I hope for all your sakes that they aren't).